The Problem of Human Capital and Economic Growth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Through the Analysis of Statistical Data
Ngandu Oleka Jean Rene
second term assistant at the higher institute of medical techniques kindu" (istm kindu) Maniema DRC
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This paper aims to detect the interactions between human capital in its educational dimension and economic growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo over a period of thirty-one years, from 1980 to 2011, using a vector autoregressive model. The non-adaptability of students to occupations, the mismatch between sectors with high employability and fields that graduate students, the low fundingof education by the state and the very low creative capacity of learners at the primary level remain challenges. Thus, the results showed a positive but small impact of the variables of gross secondary school enrollment rate, physical capital investment rate, and the worker-total population ratio. On the other hand, the impact was very considerable with public spending on education and population growth, and an impact.


human capital; economic growth; education; per capita growth; education financing


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